LightWalker® Hard and Soft-Tissue Dental Lasers
LightWalker AT / AT S is the most advanced and highest performance LightWalker model. It comes equipped with high-performance Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers, a state-of-the-art OPTOflex® articulated arm, an unrivaled 20 W of power and Fotona's patented QSP pulse technology for ultimate performance and treatment precision.

LightWalker Features:
Complementary Wavelength Combination – for Enhanced Results
Each LightWalker model is a technologically advanced system built from the ground up with the most state-of-the-art and reliable technologies available. LightWalker’s "gold standard" dental laser wavelengths (1064 nm and 2940 nm) are produced by solid state crystal laser sources. With the choice of two complementary wavelengths (in terms of their effect on tissues) LightWalker comes very close to being a true “optimal” laser. Virtually all laser-assisted dental treatments can be performed with either the highly absorbed Er:YAG laser wavelength or the deeply penetrating Nd:YAG laser wavelength.
Latest Pulse Technologies – for Exceptional Performance
Fotona’s proprietary VSP (Variable Square Pulse) and SMOOTH technologies raise the precision, performance and safety of dental laser treatments to the highest level. VSP allows practitioners to precisely control the laser pulse duration and its fluence according to the needs of the specific application, at the simple touch of a button.
Fotona’s patented QSP (Quantum Square Pulse) mode* allows the laser to ablate more efficiently and with greater precision. The improved ablation efficacy of QSP mode indicates that more of the laser energy is used for cutting and less is absorbed by the interfering debri or sub-ablation threshold of the surrounding dental tissues. This provides the means for improved cutting speed, finesse and comfort when treating hard and soft dental tissues.
LightWalker is also able to produce exceptionally low-energy laser pulses optimized to generate a clinically effective photoacoustic effect for endodontic treatments using the photon-induced photoacoustic streaming treatment protocol.